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Birth Center Care

We offer comprehensive care for pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Maybe you are considering a birth somewhere other than a hospital but aren't sure what is right for you. Our Birth Center is a great option to consider!


Water immersion is an excellent way to improve comfort and relaxation during labor and birth. Beginnings Birth Center is the only facility in Southern Colorado offering water birth.

Midwifery Model

Our Nurse-Midwives focus on health, wellness, and prevention. We view labor and birth as normal physiological processes and offer individualized, relationship-based care.

Lactation Support

We know how important it is to be properly educated and supported during the entire breastfeeding process. We have breastfeeding classes for birth center clients, Group Breastfeeding Visits for the first 6 weeks, and are a La Leche League Location.

Well Woman Care

Nurse-midwives care for women from adolescence through menopause. This includes family planning, preconception counseling, annual exams, and all types of gynecological care.

Newborn Care

Babies born at the birth center can be receive well-baby care from the nurse midwives up through 28 days of life. This includes routine newborn visits and screening.