We are keeping up with all the updates with the COVID-19 pandemic as they come. Thanks for hanging in there with all the changes so far!
Along those lines, we will be going back to all office visits being in person starting Monday 4/27/20 if everyone in your home is well and has no illness symptoms. We will not be sending messages to confirm that your appointments are in person as of Monday 4/27/20 – we will assume you will be coming here to the clinic for your visits unless we hear from you otherwise. When you arrive, please remain in your vehicle and text us at 719-367-9405 when you arrive with your name and that you’ve arrived so we can call you straight into the exam room when it’s time to come in (or come out to you if you have healthy children along).
If you have a face covering or cloth mask, please do wear it during your visit to protect yourself from COVID-19. We will also be wearing masks. Not more than one healthy adult over 15 may accompany you for your appointment for office visits. Please check out with Candace after your appointment for scheduling/paperwork but maintain social distancing by waiting at least 6 feet from anyone else waiting at the desk.
You are always welcome to come in and use the restroom prior to being called in to an exam room for your visit, or after your visit as needed.
We cannot have children under 16 in the birth center or clinic at this time, but if you need to bring healthy children for an office visit that doesn’t require an ultrasound or non-stress test, we can do a visit at your car.
If you or anyone in your home has illness symptoms, let us know and we can either reschedule or set up a zoom video chat visit.
We will still have to hold off on doing well-woman exams like annual exams/pap smears until at least July from what we know right now.
Classes like the birth and postpartum preparation class will still be a zoom / video chat format at this time.
Breastfeeding Groups Continue Through COVID-19
Breastfeeding group once weekly for postpartum moms and babies for the first 6 weeks will be in person but will need to be scheduled ahead as we will be limited to 2 moms with 2 babies per hour of the group. This is not the breastfeeding class taught by Westside Birth Connection/Candace. Please wear a mask for this as well, and please reschedule if you or anyone in your house has any illness symptoms.
Please check with your childbirth class /newborn class/breastfeeding class educators about how/where they are conducting classes if you have any questions about those. There will not be any in-person classes being taught at the center until further notice, however.
We will continue at this time to limit visitors during labor and birth to 2 healthy adults over 15, this does not include your doula and/or birth photographer (these professionals are part of the birth team, not visitors). Everyone who accompanies you will need to plan on staying in the birth room throughout entire process as our waiting areas remain closed. We will be taking everyone’s temperature upon arrival during labor/birth including our own staff and documenting that everyone is without fever.
We will also be repeating temperatures on everyone periodically throughout the process. If your guests have a face-covering available, we will ask that they wear one. We, the staff, will continue to wear masks as well. We will also ask everyone to wash their hands as they enter the birthing suite.
Thanks so much for your cooperation. We realize this is a trying time for everyone and are sending our heartfelt gratitude for taking all these measures with us to keep everyone safe from the COVID-19 pandemic!