Thank you for all your understanding and flexibility during these uncertain times. Here are some changes to birth center processes in order to keep our clients and staff healthy, and to align with recommendations for social distancing currently.
If you have an appointment and have any of the following symptoms, or if anyone in your household has any of these symptoms – please send a portal message to office staff in the client portal message center to reschedule or ask for a telehealth video chat visit if your visit is not already scheduled as a video chat visit:
- -If you have had a FEVERmore than 99.5 in the last 48 hours
- -If you have a COUGHor other respiratory symptoms
- -If you have FLU-LIKEsymptoms such as BODY ACHES or CHILLS
- -If you have TRAVELLEDor been EXPOSED to anyone suspected of having the coronavirus in the last 14 days
We are no longer having you do your weight and blood pressure when you arrive – those will be done in the exam room.
If you have a visit scheduled that needs to be in-person and you and everyone in your house is completely well:
- Park in the parking lot
- Text us with your name and that you have arrived for your appointment at 719-367-9405
- Mention in the text if you have children under 16 with you who are completely well, so that we may come to your car for your visit, as well as where your car is parked and your make, model, and color (Note: car visits are not possible for ultrasounds, non-stress test visits, or most postpartum newborn visits)
- We will text or call you and tell you which exam room to come to when we’re ready so you can come in and go straight to that exam room
- We’ll either schedule your follow up visit in the exam room before you leave or have you send a message in the portal to “office staff” to get scheduled for your next appointment so that you may go directly back out to your car
- Bear with us if we are running slightly behind. We are cleaning all surfaces with disinfecting agents between every visit.
- We are currently restricting visitors to one adult over the age of 15 for appointment times. Children age 15 or under cannot come into the birth center at this time due to the increased risk of asymptomatic transmission in this age group. We understand that with current closures, it may be difficult for some families to attend appointments without bringing their children. If you need to come to an in-person visit with your kids along OR would rather not physically come in the building for your visit, and you are ALL healthy, please text us when you arrive to say your name, what your car looks like and where it is, and we can then complete your visit at your car, and will text you when we head out to your car to see you. (Note: car visits are not possible for ultrasounds, non-stress test visits, or most postpartum newborn visits)
All non-pregnant GYN visits are being cancelled at this time unless they can be done as a video chat telehealth visit.
We will provide more updates as more information is known and recommended.
The Beginnings Birth Center Team