
Prenatal Fitness – Keep Moving!

Pregnancy is not a weak or fragile state; is the ultimate state of female fitness. 

Pregnancy physiology is fascinating. When a woman becomes pregnant, we see the exact same physiological adaptations as a non-pregnant person who starts a fitness program. These adaptations include increased blood volume, increased heart chamber volume, blood vessel growth, greater ability to dissipate heat, increased delivery and utilization of oxygen at the cellular level, increased metabolic capacity, increased insulin sensitivity, and improvement in most, if not all, aspects of musculoskeletal function. Bottom line: pregnancy is a state of fitness. 

prenatal fitness classes at Beginnings Birth Center

Training for Labor and Birth

Mom’s body is innately (and appropriately) gearing up for the major athletic event of labor and birth. So we intentionally train for it. As soon as mom finds out she’s pregnant, we consider her “in-season” for birth. Let’s take a person training for an Olympic weightlifting meet, for example. Their training plan supports the meet in an intentional way. Just because the weightlifter can run a marathon, doesn’t mean it’s the smartest way to train for the weightlifting meet. The same approach applies to pregnancy. A pregnant person is incredibly capable but we are training for birth in a smart, intentional way. 


At Beginnings Birth Center’s prenatal fitness classes, you will build competency in all metabolic pathways, planes of motion, functional ranges of motion, stability, strength, balance, endurance, and stamina. Training days also take into account the physiological adaptations that are occurring in each phase of pregnancy so that the training stimulus is both safe and effective. 

Exercise During Pregnancy with Prenatal Fitness Classes

Even the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) released an updated opinion supporting exercise during pregnancy as long as few contraindications do not exist (follow the link for more specifics). That said, we move through life. We can always use intentional “life reps” and breathwork to gently train for birth. For someone who meets this need, personal training is also possible through Beginnings Birth Center! 

I’d love to meet you at one of our next Prenatal Fitness classes! Join us on Tuesdays 9-10a and 3-4p and Thursdays 3-4p! All levels of fitness and phases of pregnancy are welcome!

by Melissa Hemphill

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