4 Colorado Springs Resources for Free Pregnancy Testing

4 Colorado Springs Resources for Free Pregnancy Testing

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If you suddenly find yourself thinking you might be pregnant, and not knowing what that means for the future, you’re not alone. When you need to know right away, there are many different resources in Colorado Springs for you to get the testing and support you need during this time in your life. Between Midwife Colorado Springs and other free clinics, you have the help you need at your fingertips. Most of these clinics do not turn you away because of your age, your insurance status, or your financial standing.

Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center

The Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center has three locations to choose from. A Central Location, a Southside Location, and a Westside location. You can schedule an appointment with any of the three locations for a medical-quality urine pregnancy test to confirm or deny your pregnancy. You will receive the results of your test at the appointment, so there’s no need to wait for a phone call or return to the office at a different time. If you’re pregnant, the gestational age and due date of your pregnancy will be determined by your last menstrual period. A nurse will determine if an ultrasound is needed based on specific information. Everything at their facility is confidential and they truly care about their patients.

Central Location: (719) 591-2724
3700 Galley Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Westside Location: (719) 623-2870
3925 Centennial Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Southside Location: (719) 355-1188
6436 US Hwy 85, Suite U, Fountain, CO 80817

Dream Centers Women’s Clinic

Another facility available to you is Dream Centers Women’s Clinic. They have one location in Colorado Springs. At Dream Centers Women’s Clinic they service women from the ages of 13 to 64. If you’re a minor you can be seen without a parental consent if it involves your reproductive health, like a pregnancy test. They take care of the uninsured and even the underinsured.

One Location: (719) 388-1594
4360 Montebello Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Developmental Disabilities Health Center And Convenient Care Center

Offering free pregnancy testing along with many other health care services. They are part of Community Health and Health Care for the Homeless. They are open year around. There’s no need to make an appointment. You can stop in and they can help you right there.

Peak Vista Community Health Centers

With 19 different locations, you’re sure to find one nearby. The centers provide health care and pregnancy resources for people facing many healthcare barriers. They are a private and nonprofit organization geared to medical and dental health along with a numerous amount of other health care needs. They provide free pregnancy tests to women of all ages that are in need of help along with many other services.

They have many different locations for you to choose from. One location is a homeless mobile van that travels around. The van is only in operation 8 hours a week.

Thinking your pregnant could be a scary time if you don’t have the right tools and resources to help you. Any of these four resources would help you find out if you are pregnant and then lead you in the right direction after the results of the test are determined. Knowing you are in the right hands will make all the difference when you are trying to determine if you are pregnant or not.
